
热搜: dim 原套 自配
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十字绣日记 今日: 0|主题: 12185|排名: 33 

版主: 雪团
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[更新] 【大V】Lanarte 34735 野花…… attachment agree  ...234 Veta 2016-1-20 543396 Sing!e 2016-4-2 13:20
[开工] HAE RAS 16466 Cat Bookshelf attachment agree  ...2 秧白菜 2015-1-29 2724781 恕恕之心 2016-4-2 12:44
[更新] 【廷廷】HAE 大眼娃娃 attachment agree  ...2 cutiethin 2015-9-1 211348 恕恕之心 2016-4-2 09:54
[更新] 【曲奇】DIM 35224欧洲酒馆 attachment agree  ...234 曲忧乐 2016-3-27 512092 曲忧乐 2016-4-2 07:04
[开工] (QPFYL)RTO----M589来自猩猩的你 attachment agree Qpfyl 2016-3-31 141043 triangel1984 2016-4-1 09:18
[更新] ๑۩۩.. .. Hae 2971— Ripple .. ..۩۩๑ 2楼更新精华部分 attachment agree  ...23456..13 幕府宝宝 2015-3-12 18724805 恕恕之心 2016-3-31 22:41
[开工] ♬♪ 仙乐 の MH 圣诞街 ~ 2014.5.1 完工 附裱框照 attach_img agree  ...2 仙乐 2014-3-7 271626 仙乐 2016-3-31 11:01
[更新] 【云音】TT216 补丁小熊十日速成记 13日更,还差勾边 attachment agree  ...2 minusturn 2013-1-6 162012 douding 2016-3-30 20:06
[开工] 【Jane凉】Bothy thread-Little Rabbit attachment agree Jane凉 2016-3-28 12737 Jane凉 2016-3-29 10:27
[更新] 杂志图——圣诞麋鹿 attachment agree yaobai1994 2016-3-28 6724 yaobai1994 2016-3-29 10:13
[开工] HAE雪人,开个进度贴!~~~ attachment agree  ...2345 changjinglu1993 2015-7-16 703650 恕恕之心 2016-3-29 07:59
[更新] Mar Bek林地天使、粉天使日记 KIT KB-14 attachment agree  ...23 jingjinggong 2016-1-25 432557 jingjinggong 2016-3-28 15:16
[开工] 【Eva萱】爱的沙漏 attachment agree eva900107 2016-3-27 6675 小猫爱吃鱼 2016-3-27 18:32
[更新] ۩۩๑【MD80】Lilly of the woods ۩۩๑ attachment 白小茶 2016-3-26 3514 白小茶 2016-3-27 14:41
[开工] XIU彩色花卉口金包 attachment agree qn3456 2016-3-26 14887 张小凉 2016-3-27 08:59
[开工] 客厅的绣绣 attachment agree 文轩 2016-3-26 9907 龙葵草 2016-3-27 08:52
[更新] [佳子的2013]dim婚礼祝福 attachment agree  ...2 junjiazi 2013-1-12 211086 yaorujun1989 2016-3-25 23:31
[开工] XIU六寸绣框系列 attachment agree  ...2 qn3456 2016-3-24 17912 yaorujun1989 2016-3-24 23:43
[开工] SODA-395-河马的SODA年之1602 2016-01-06 开工 attachment  ...2 河马七公主 2016-1-6 171276 野原葵 2016-3-24 17:40
[更新] 【平台虫子】冰雪奇缘·Dim35184一篮子猫(原套) attachment agree  ...2 aabb00 2016-3-20 281994 aabb00 2016-3-21 15:49
[开工] 【喵可Miacoo】Soda-四季 attachment  ...23 adiemus 2016-1-29 321655 魅衣翘楚丶 2016-3-20 09:44
[开工] DIM35132 Hummingbird Wreath attachment agree  ...2 leilei° 2015-10-24 171191 beibei1314 2016-3-19 23:14
[更新] 为了督促自己,做绣绣日期:Dim(小鸟笼子) attachment agree wuyan200 2016-3-18 5887 迷糊的丫头 2016-3-19 14:04
[开工] 【小V~九十八】之 2016 dim 70-35317 Afternoon in Provence attachment agree  ...2 virjoy 2016-3-8 161675 virjoy 2016-3-18 13:44
[开工] 诺~DIM35151 山寨缝纫熊~ attachment agree  ...2 阿伊诺 2011-10-16 272026 小蛤蟆 2016-3-18 09:27
[更新] 23绣花 今年就绣这一礼幅 之 神龙召贴 亲爱的们 2333肥来勒 attachment agree  ...2 浅.木漁 2016-3-15 271493 yaorujun1989 2016-3-16 21:58
[开工] DIM65130 喵喵和公鸡的故事 attachment agree yysylvia 2016-3-15 13966 迷糊的丫头 2016-3-16 15:24
[更新] 两个影子 2016-1★十字绣-阴影花-绣球花★ attachment agree  ...2 zhy两个影子 2016-1-2 271351 选不过来 2016-3-16 11:18
[开工] 【喵可】DMC BL1067/71 A wheatfield with cypresses attachment agree  ...234 adiemus 2016-3-15 572153 adiemus 2016-3-15 22:48
[开工] 〖yingnuo〗 DMC BK1174 伦敦巴士一起观光吧 attachment agree yingnuo 2016-3-15 12732 yaorujun1989 2016-3-15 22:37
[更新] 【水驿春回】Dim3556 Bedtime Prayer - [阅读权限 40]attachment agree  ...234 水驿春回 2015-6-18 551190 水驿春回 2016-3-15 15:35
[更新] 35157 海边咖啡屋~,争取不P………… attachment agree  ...234 冰爽 2015-10-12 482481 蔷薇紫陌 2016-3-15 14:24
[停工] ☜丢丢哒☞xiu金翎迎春开工啦~~\(≧▽≦)/~啦啦啦 attachment agree  ...234 小考拉丢丢 2015-1-15 5623022 winnie80715 2016-3-15 11:06
[开工] (๑´ㅂ`๑)红草の2015防蹉跎备忘录~DIM热气球+法杂~三月更~ attachment agree  ...2 红草莞儿 2015-1-5 2616803 紫萝yoyo 2016-3-15 09:44
[开工] [悠】一年一大金 35224欧洲酒馆 attachment agree  ...2 冰爽 2015-1-4 192153 小镇青年 2016-3-14 15:42
[更新] 【啃啃】DIM 珊瑚牡丹开新~迟来的日记贴~ attachment agree  ...23 面包啃啃 2016-2-25 301345 carriema86 2016-3-14 10:42
[更新] mill hill第一作 蓝莓酱罐冰箱贴, attachment agree jewel 2016-3-13 10925 jewel 2016-3-14 08:46
[更新] 【小猪伊人】RL38红衣仙子缓慢更新 attachment agree  ...2345 xzh0451 2015-2-3 6818718 孙英辉 2016-3-13 13:39
[扫P] 【A猫咪】山寨版-蜂鸟盘子 扫P N次更 attachment agree  ...23 A猫咪 2016-3-3 392050 A猫咪 2016-3-11 19:46
[开工] {小猫钓鱼},罂粟花田,黑暗的日子来临了 attachment agree  ...23456..33 小猫钓鱼 2012-3-5 49112871 sisiler 2016-3-11 07:04
[开工] 【Rainbow】绿房子 attachment agree  ...234 lisa8918 2016-3-8 482711 Kozerozhka 2016-3-10 20:40
[开工] {囡囡} DMC Parasols on the Beach attachment agree  ...2 阿兔囡囡 2016-3-9 171646 candy0131 2016-3-10 13:50
[更新] 《琅琊榜》飞流十字绣进度~ attachment agree  ...234 馨元1982 2015-12-5 583522 分飞177 2016-3-10 12:27
[开工] 【清风凉雨】踩着10月份的尾巴偷偷开个新DIM35028 attachment  ...2 清风凉雨 2014-10-31 191647 yaorujun1989 2016-3-9 22:08
[更新] 补个日记贴[STC四季]之秋 attachment agree 橙色工作室 2016-3-7 14990 妮芙提蒂 2016-3-8 17:12
[更新] 【小V~九十八】之 2016 dim 13698 attachment virjoy 2016-2-16 13919 virjoy 2016-3-8 15:44
[更新] 【R】MH 圣诞四件套 attachment agree  ...23456 rlovesh 2014-10-20 8228387 alicezou 2016-3-8 13:57
[开工] 【Jane凉】随心班之向日葵花园 attachment agree  ...2 Jane凉 2016-3-7 191354 leey 2016-3-8 09:00
[更新] 【豆豆】新开的婚礼图2/8日更新咯 attachment agree  ...23456..7 小货屋 2013-1-3 956053 maratan 2016-3-7 12:32
[开工] 【天然萌】DIM 35151 缝纫熊 —— 新年第二弹~~~ - [阅读权限 255]attachment agree  ...2 oldbaby 2016-2-1 22760 maratan 2016-3-7 12:21
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