
热搜: dim 原套 自配
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十字绣日记 今日: 0|主题: 12185|排名: 33 

版主: 雪团
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[更新] 山寨dim牡丹花瓶65048~~~10月21号更新~~~ attachment agree  ...2 tinaandmoon 2010-10-19 291470 rubycat 2011-9-17 20:46
[更新] 【寒羽】DIM35163东方大花瓶 attachment agree  ...234 edo_du 2010-10-9 461719 泡糖芸 2011-9-17 19:51
[更新] 帮妈妈开个日记-DIM35163大花瓶(4月19日更新) attachment agree  ...23456..11 糯米圆子26 2010-2-23 1504630 泡糖芸 2011-9-17 19:50
[更新] ❤允允~帮朋友绣的郁金香(9.30更新) attachment  ...2 沉漫沦 2011-9-16 18702 burnice 2011-9-17 19:18
[更新] 小鸟儿的-耶单-手持莲花的白度母,7.20收工 attachment agree  ...23456 小鸟 2009-4-4 752583 nbqinqin 2011-9-17 14:18
[更新] 【簡單】為月賽開貼——DIM35034祥蝶(9月17日来更新了) attachment agree  ...2 簡單幸福 2011-9-2 15698 grace0207 2011-9-17 08:38
[开工] DMC-Wine Tasting attachment agree 木椟 2011-9-8 6479 jbrneko 2011-9-16 14:20
[更新] 剪纸版《富贵有余》(9-16更新,完成一半啦!) attachment agree  ...23 fxjenny 2011-7-21 331297 fxjenny 2011-9-16 13:35
[开工] 【点点】dim8783- 9.1开工 attachment agree  ...23 幸福终点站 2011-9-1 401221 cc_wwj 2011-9-16 08:11
[更新] 【陌沫绣绣】“家和万事兴”。奶奶九十大寿的礼物哦 attachment agree 陌沫 2011-9-12 5755 陌沫 2011-9-15 21:55
[停工] 我的DIM-101楼, 建楼完毕! attachment  ...23456..27 忘了 2008-2-26 39521942 tugumi 2011-9-15 12:38
[更新] 灵狐2011年第十七个日记-小天使桌旗8月17号更新 attachment agree  ...23456..8 千年灵狐 2011-8-8 1073719 deluxdelux 2011-9-15 07:10
[更新] 7月6号STC玉兰茶壶完工啦!!! attachment agree  ...23456..7 猪猪妹妹 2010-5-28 903748 yanmumu2011 2011-9-14 18:24
[更新] 年年——DIM绝版门旗Rose Cottage Welcome 9.14更新,工程过半 attachment  ...2 grace_bai 2011-8-31 281143 grace_bai 2011-9-14 17:02
[更新] HAE - Floatilla (更新 10/02, P.1, 完成第6頁了) attachment agree  ...23456..14 siuanna 2009-3-3 1966846 lujessica 2011-9-14 12:50
[开工] 海盗熊 attachment agree  ...2 雪影敖菊 2011-9-11 15776 btxd1009 2011-9-13 19:02
[开工] 【岚】DIM 65038 Golden Puppy(9/23 更 新) agree   岚 2011-9-12 13820 藏宝图 2011-9-13 14:17
[更新] 【Charm】♥【完全自配】~~礼物一枚 attachment agree  ...23 charmml 2011-3-29 411047 charmml 2011-9-13 10:06
[开工] 庆月饼节,开个小图<busy hands happy hearts> 72374-9.11日更 attachment  ...2 doll_tt 2011-9-10 161064 doll_tt 2011-9-12 18:08
[开工] 动手第一记,给我的山寨DIM 16740---成品了 attachment agree  ...2 小小辣椒 2011-9-10 241053 小小辣椒 2011-9-12 15:37
[停工] [火羽]生日——梦想已久的HAE Spirit of Flight attachment agree  ...23456 火羽白如心 2011-9-9 752395 _just 2011-9-11 20:32
[开工] 袜子控开工啦~~~DS首开DIM8751 Cute Carolers Stocking attachment zzhheenn 2011-9-10 8861 军波 2011-9-11 00:02
[开工] 繡到聖誕節應該差不多, 哈哈 attachment  ...2 CONNIEMA0917 2011-9-8 15680 CONNIEMA0917 2011-9-10 11:41
[更新] ★小E★的绝版DIM迷你抱枕-蜂蜜小熊-3/21号更新在1楼 attachment agree  ...23 emilyzhou515 2009-3-21 421376 lily67195717 2011-9-9 22:17
[更新] STC通往灯塔之路,进行中(2011.09.02周五更新) attachment agree  ...2 任可 2011-7-13 26987 任可 2011-9-9 16:12
[更新] DIM35087 懒猫日记贴 attachment agree  ...2 芸芸 2011-5-6 221020 ciervo 2011-9-9 15:31
[更新] DIM6959--午休时的调剂品--中秋节前更一下 attachment  ...2 fujianne 2011-8-16 21876 ciervo 2011-9-9 15:28
[开工] 【小鹿】の小母鸡,鸡现在主要业务不下蛋了说 attachment ciervo 2011-9-9 13589 ciervo 2011-9-9 15:03
[更新] 【Angel】扫P楼(扫完第二个P) attachment  ...2 Angel000 2011-8-23 28808 Angel000 2011-9-9 14:43
[更新] 【小鹿】的自配“蝴蝶森林”,布头歪了 attachment agree ciervo 2011-9-9 12647 ciervo 2011-9-9 12:59
[更新] 11.10更新,长形玫瑰+婚嫁系列桌旗 5楼 attachment  ...2345 sunnydou 2009-2-27 663966 问题儿童 2011-9-9 12:23
[更新] 茸茸D蓝贝(YQ慢手DIM) attachment agree  ...234 芮蕊蕤 2010-2-26 581918 ydhcgd 2011-9-8 15:23
[更新] 关贴 attachment agree charming 2011-9-8 14563 charming 2011-9-8 13:06
[更新] DIM35071French Lavender attachment  ...2 蓝予 2010-6-13 191246 hiajuan 2011-9-8 11:22
[更新] 【轩MOM】~*~那一束小清新:DIM 6959~*~【9/7 #2 更新 】 attachment agree  ...2345 气宇轩昂 2011-8-20 722165 气宇轩昂 2011-9-7 22:29
[开工] 【11のJC】Dim Gold collection 6904 /09.02开工 attachment agree  ...234 jellychin 2011-9-2 552203 垂泪红颜 2011-9-7 16:48
[开工] 生日开贴 玫瑰的心 attachment agree  ...2 阳光的味道 2011-9-4 24907 小圆圆 2011-9-7 08:06
[更新] 【薰衣草花盆】/【猫咪卡套】--8月21日更新啦~~ attachment agree vivian_qian1001 2011-8-18 14524 YuanMei 2011-9-7 00:58
[更新] a season of joy 快乐的夏天 9/4更新 attachment agree gzltzy 2011-8-6 13613 gzltzy 2011-9-6 13:01
[更新] (茶)十二金钗 3月14日更新 attachment agree  ...23456..10 悠闲下午茶 2010-9-12 1395091 andreawu 2011-9-6 11:12
[停工] 美女如花 花似玉 十二金钗 04.09更新 attachment agree  ...23456..9 601598136 2011-2-4 1264262 andreawu 2011-9-6 11:11
[更新] STC的十二金钗正式开工(进行1/76) attachment agree  ...23456..11 maoayi 2010-1-20 1525301 andreawu 2011-9-6 11:10
[开工] 小楠子开工 DIM 缝纫猫猫 9.5更新下 attachment  ...2 chennan840907 2011-9-2 201104 chennan840907 2011-9-5 14:39
[开工] 【茉】初尝RS线~窗外,9月展开清新之旅 attachment agree  ...2 ms.mo 2011-9-4 201104 ms.mo 2011-9-5 11:40
[更新] BU flowers of friendship 45293 紫花迎新年 attachment  ...23 jingjinggong 2010-12-31 341321 mmm20072 2011-9-5 08:26
[扫P] 【小K】扫P之——DIM玫瑰花环 wreath of roses【9.5第2更】 attachment agree  ...2345 kazenego 2011-8-13 612337 kazenego 2011-9-5 02:18
[开工] Thanks a bunch attachment hamchorom 2011-9-4 8515 夏末 2011-9-4 15:48
[扫P] 【罂粟花田】--- 9月1日更新! attachment agree  ...23456..7 地主婆 2011-8-22 903071 auroraz 2011-9-4 14:49
[更新] dim6996-----放飞美好的梦想 attachment agree sunny18 2011-9-4 9714 sunny18 2011-9-4 12:41
[更新] DIM 6906小金玫瑰(12.16四更) attachment agree  ...2 芷幽娘娘 2011-6-26 271272 芷幽娘娘 2011-9-4 11:02
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