
热搜: dim 原套 自配
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十字绣日记 今日: 0|主题: 12185|排名: 33 

版主: 雪团
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[开工] 【牛儿】大战大金----温馨浪漫的酒馆09/27/13更新 attachment agree  ...234 沉淀的牛儿 2012-3-28 512100 素手馨香 2013-10-29 07:13
[更新] 61の❀淡彩罂粟Pastel Poppies attachment  ...2 neverland1226 2013-10-6 171066 laoyi 2013-10-29 06:54
[扫P] MH ice cream shoppe偶能说这是一个不想成P的小P咩~~ attachment agree  ...2 shuya2009 2013-10-7 151357 laoyi 2013-10-29 06:51
[开工] velvetye's嫁妆之3——爱的誓言 attachment  ...2 velvetye 2013-10-10 15827 laoyi 2013-10-29 06:42
[更新] 【淡淡】dim-70-65132 Lemons attachment agree  ...2 忧伤的淡淡 2013-10-11 241466 laoyi 2013-10-29 06:41
[开工] 【挞拔玉兒】NC-112 attachment agree  ...2 挞拔玉兒 2013-10-27 234634 挞拔玉兒 2013-10-29 03:42
[更新] 颜月—JCA-beside the still water attachment agree  ...23456..8 颜月 2009-8-29 1174790 yuhongyan2011 2013-10-28 23:45
[更新] NEWTONS‘LAW牛顿熊偷吃蜂蜜 3F更新熊们 attachment  ...2 mvvan 2013-9-29 22999 mvvan 2013-10-28 16:17
[开工] 倪倪——参加【动手初中】开新帖——DIM绝版糖罐子熊 attachment agree  ...2 倪倪 2013-7-1 221260 ZERO的宝宝 2013-10-28 11:19
[开工] 【qinuo's show】STC花店日记·不定期更新*发帖只为监督自己* attachment agree  ...23 其诺 2013-10-16 442044 其诺 2013-10-28 08:24
[开工] 开新最开心,蜂鸟花盘来了 attachment agree  ...23 painting 2013-10-26 331503 sooty 2013-10-27 23:11
[开工] 自配“鸢尾花”开工啦 attachment  ...23 qqsz 2013-10-18 381453 咖啡kubuku 2013-10-27 16:44
[更新] 【阑珊】lanante 34399 时间の记忆… attachment agree  ...2 陌上阑珊 2013-10-13 251838 laoyi 2013-10-27 08:53
[更新] 依恋的福禄盈门开工(二更) attachment  ...2 依恋单纯 2013-10-14 16640 laoyi 2013-10-27 08:51
[更新] @豆布丁@DIM35204 监督贴 21日更 attachment 豆布丁 2013-10-16 13763 laoyi 2013-10-27 08:49
[更新] 【♣ 精 灵 树 ♣同绣】之--快乐圣诞之雪人 andy86 2013-10-18 12935 laoyi 2013-10-27 08:39
[开工] LAN 开工了~~~ attachment agree  ...2 boya219 2013-10-23 16822 rainball 2013-10-27 08:30
[开工] 【挞拔玉兒】BT-17 The last rose attachment agree  ...2 挞拔玉兒 2013-10-19 281443 laoyi 2013-10-27 07:52
[扫P] 【猴子老婆】STC花开富贵扫P attachment agree hh821030 2013-10-19 12816 laoyi 2013-10-27 07:51
[更新] 大花のLAN 34833 幽谷百合 attachment  ...2 拉培疏鸢尾 2013-10-21 201322 laoyi 2013-10-27 07:42
[开工] 【玲妈の绣绣】三联绣球花 attachment  ...2 lifasi2 2013-10-5 16713 laoyi 2013-10-26 22:03
[停工] dim13666 维多利亚小屋 加油新妹!三楼开始日更 attachment agree  ...23 may_singapore 2013-10-23 371596 laoyi 2013-10-26 22:02
[更新] 【玲妈の绣绣】 MD32 更新10-25 6更 attachment agree  ...2 lifasi2 2013-8-24 15982 默悠 2013-10-26 08:11
[扫P] 耶单 抱枕SODA-3105 扫P 终于完工了! attachment agree  ...2 lanqi222 2013-3-22 151203 lanqi222 2013-10-26 01:19
[更新] 【水精灵同绣-小语】:DIM 70-35264和DIM03765,完工一个!! attachment agree  ...2345 yuppielook 2013-1-1 653536 kiki. 2013-10-25 23:54
[开工] DIM 老版 20048 纽扣熊 attachment qjingr 2013-1-3 10923 脚蹬大白鹅 2013-10-25 11:13
[更新] [白白]xiu吉利兆福,10月25日五更! attachment agree  ...2 herrlich 2013-8-9 211221 herrlich 2013-10-25 10:12
[停工] 【小桃の】LAN~34890天鹅(暂停更新) attachment agree  ...2345 大宝贝小桃 2010-8-31 724476 小袖子 2013-10-24 16:31
[开工] 超A货 DIM08689 雪夜 【开工】 agree  ...23456..10 雁南飞1025 2012-7-2 1374277 点丫丫 2013-10-24 10:55
[开工] 【小SS】DIM小柜子 力邀 super麻豆三连拍开工照 attachment agree  ...23456..7 shanshan921 2013-8-6 903431 may_singapore 2013-10-23 09:49
[扫P] 代扫P悲催的六尺牡丹--各种凌乱 7月中旬有更新 attachment agree  ...23456..17 玉坠之泪痕 2013-2-28 25412142 挞拔玉兒 2013-10-23 02:26
[开工] 【潴宝】dim35224 欧洲酒馆~炎炎夏日 我们哈起来吧 agree  ...23456..8 琼琼 2013-5-22 1083989 琼琼 2013-10-22 12:04
[开工] 记第一个黑色3730dim underwater elegance attachment agree  ...2 bingsophie 2013-5-6 201170 bingsophie 2013-10-21 16:30
[开工] 火得一塌糊涂的dim圣诞小鸟日记 attachment agree  ...2 bingsophie 2013-10-18 201007 bingsophie 2013-10-21 14:16
[停工] DIM蝴蝶结日记 attachment agree  ...23 xiaoxiaoxx 2011-1-15 412032 超级小鸭鸭 2013-10-20 07:20
[开工] 【小白】初次尝试苏绣套件----兰花 attachment agree  ...23456..14 云湘雪蔚 2012-3-12 1996714 另一片云 2013-10-19 21:22
[更新] 【天澄】世界风光系列4副半 阿尔罕布拉宫完工 attachment agree  ...23 annaballer 2013-8-1 321533 annaballer 2013-10-19 18:14
[更新] 【幽谷百合】我爱十字绣系列-YELLOW ROSES(重新起航) attachment agree  ...23456..17 fengxintianshi 2011-12-31 24210158 风景芬芳 2013-10-19 17:39
[开工] 十字绣日记版回复调整为1经验+1鲜花,其他版维持不变  ...2 动手频道 2013-10-18 25967 再见天雨花 2013-10-19 14:55
[更新] 古埃及女神——伊西丝(10.10更新)暂停 attachment agree  ...23456 妮芙提蒂 2007-9-24 844635 steven7bonnie 2013-10-19 10:01
[更新] lynnf的扫P之《四兽头》(12月11日更新) attachment agree  ...23 lynnf 2008-10-29 311210 lrj4335084 2013-10-19 08:48
[更新] 山寨雪夜加亮丝线绣12月4号上照片 attachment 白云小帆 2012-12-2 14997 爱丽丝蘑菇 2013-10-18 21:32
[更新] sharon的第一幅dim 35259——my little sunshine attachment agree  ...234 紫纤子 2012-10-2 522559 紫纤子 2013-10-16 09:50
[扫P] 在动手的第一个日记—山寨STC 51231, Garden's Delight attachment agree  ...23 秋孩儿 2012-12-13 431666 girlmary 2013-10-16 09:40
[开工] ❤粉粉′s xiuxiu❤VV Roses in Vase 3月开工~ attachment agree  ...234 rei_january 2013-3-2 512069 rei_january 2013-10-15 22:31
[停工] {伶宝妈}DIM6883,第一个DIM原套 attachment agree  ...23 painting 2013-8-24 342051 painting 2013-10-15 15:05
[更新] 【小猴子滴乐乐--夺宝之旅】DIM 35040 Wreath of All Seasons attachment agree  ...23456..7 小猴滴乐乐 2013-8-11 903130 37404027 2013-10-15 14:43
[开工] 【东哥の大金1班】ღ心儿ღ εїз DIM70-35280 Ballerina Dreams attachment agree  ...2 fengyudie 2013-10-1 211257 fengyudie 2013-10-14 13:18
[开工] dabao的 大金 8816 attachment agree dabao 2012-8-30 12917 ritasam 2013-10-14 12:17
[更新] [淡绿]青花瓷EVA-12646(12/26) attachment agree  ...23456 zrjennifer 2011-10-26 782537 水果小乖 2013-10-14 08:56
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