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动手频道»动手 十字绣作品 十字绣日记 十字绣日记【已完工】

十字绣日记【已完工】 今日: 0|主题: 14141|排名: 22 

作者 回复/查看 最后发表
雀起乡到烛镇,Lark Rise to Candleford attachment digest agree  ...23456 阿伊诺 2012-6-15 862739 墨棠 2012-10-4 15:39
vv对花之木兰 完工咯! attachment agree  ...2 nitenite2009 2012-8-23 261135 123cri 2012-10-3 01:39
国庆开一个NC130(以完工) attachment agree  ...2 吸烟为戒毒 2012-10-1 17805 winnie28 2012-10-1 14:51
☆⌒ゞwinwin☆ANC杂志图自配- 天堂花园 attachment agree  ...23456..7 winwin13 2012-6-9 903275 winwin13 2012-9-30 13:05
【86の小图集】3个小图全部完工 attachment agree  ...23456..8 carriema86 2012-4-5 1143461 carriema86 2012-9-29 21:39
【果冻】——la 海洋生活 11.24完工 attachment agree  ...234 茹果小果冻 2012-4-7 461566 妮芙提蒂 2012-9-29 18:14
【三脚猫】为那朵花开~MH TRUTH~ attachment  ...2 Echo7747 2012-9-29 18955 YamaP 2012-9-29 17:38
Nature's Peace小普日记 jule 2012-9-13 10814 jule 2012-9-29 15:20
【容绒清风】繁花落叶的美好❤完工装裱 attachment agree  ...23456..7 容绒清风 2012-9-7 1012633 容绒清风 2012-9-29 10:15
【盛唐】也开一个六股半针+++DIM07170(完工!) attachment agree  ...2 盛唐 2012-8-27 271618 奥兰多 2012-9-28 23:02
〓一生一世〓2012第一贴→DIM 35115 Teddy Bear Gathering←(完工) attachment 1314gbh 2012-1-2 13969 麻酱凉面 2012-9-28 16:55
【绣球】DIM 13559 GARDEN HUMMINGBIRD 9.27完工 attachment agree  ...23456..12 sindy_yangyp 2012-9-10 1723777 沁伶水月 2012-9-28 16:54
DIM16720 serene village 7.24完工 attachment agree  ...2345 daisyyvonne 2012-6-2 651656 怡君 2012-9-28 10:58
独儿的DIM系列 35167 attachment agree  ...2345 独漂霖 2009-5-13 653535 crystal鑫 2012-9-27 22:51
〓一生一世〓2012第三十五贴→DIM 6584 please be neat←(完工) attachment 1314gbh 2012-9-19 13548 linkangqian 2012-9-27 20:24
小荷包蛋/阴影玫瑰 完工 attachment agree  ...2 小荷包蛋 2012-9-15 291025 dolphin_myl 2012-9-27 19:59
【星妈】DN-458 attachment agree  ...23 星妈 2011-3-27 321160 星妈 2012-9-27 16:50
DIM-Vegetable Sampler ... 蔬菜❤爱...完工~ attachment agree  ...23456..7 pippo 2012-7-9 1042408 hihilulu 2012-9-27 12:23
【夕de绣窝】-MH系列大饼花-purity 成工喽。。。 attachment  ...2 唯美女人 2012-6-27 29856 唯美女人 2012-9-26 22:59
DIM13711good wine美妙葡萄~(1月2日完工) attachment digest  ...2345 xixi1026 2009-10-17 714233 蓝色茹果 2012-9-26 20:48
【冰蓝】②0①②之【杂志薰衣草】~~~9-24搞定啦~ attachment agree  ...2345 冰蓝沙漏 2012-6-9 672052 蓝小落 2012-9-26 13:10
【嘟】DIM 35109 Japanese Maiden(2009.06.07 Finish!) attachment digest agree  ...23456 嘟嘟钰 2009-1-11 794601 雪芝麻 2012-9-26 11:36
SS~《09珠子版福字》12月21日完成啦! attachment digest agree  ...23456..28 昆婶 2008-12-13 41110213 樱nana 2012-9-25 20:04
秋荷芙蓉——(10月5日完工) attachment agree  ...234 云追月 2009-6-30 571891 樱nana 2012-9-25 20:00
试水香包~翡翠心~一个晚上搞定绣绣部分~~ attachment agree 梅花A 2012-9-22 14706 saintyzy 2012-9-24 09:43
〓一生一世〓2012第三十八贴→MH 14-1201 Melody←(完工) attachment 1314gbh 2012-9-22 10499 赫尔辛基 2012-9-23 14:24
【圆圆】DIM 06995 Rose Bouquet (6.2完工) attachment agree  ...23456..10 yuanyuan8098 2011-5-5 1374294 紫纤子 2012-9-22 14:29
【小J】【可爱小企鹅】初到动手,庆祝一下~9.22完工啦啦啦~ attachment agree  ...234 jaylen 2012-9-8 451383 jaylen 2012-9-21 23:10
DIM13721 9.25更新 attachment 馨雨1 2012-9-21 10602 落水为莲 2012-9-21 16:59
BUCILLA黑布玫瑰 9月20日完工啦 attachment agree  ...23 gracietao 2012-7-28 321293 mintblue999 2012-9-21 16:18
✿雨姿✿9月9日,爱久长,ANC FRC105,9月21日完工 attachment agree  ...23 凝雨姿 2012-9-9 311099 凝雨姿 2012-9-21 14:45
Dim6790 Teatime Floral,RS效果~送自己的生日小礼物~ attachment agree  ...23 gyll2009 2012-7-2 351225 nitenite2009 2012-9-21 00:14
【安】调剂大G的小图——吹泡泡的小女孩8-29 attachment agree  ...234 安伊琳 2012-8-8 551648 昆婶 2012-9-20 19:52
【小ss】dim35195 与深情爷撞图之“巴黎单车”2.11完工 attachment agree  ...234 shanshan921 2012-1-20 582025 leey 2012-9-20 11:01
【冰冰】DIM73697 Little Pond Birth Record attachment agree  ...23456 squirrelnini 2012-7-26 781853 squirrelnini 2012-9-19 21:55
【海豚】DFEA阴影花之樱桃——完工 attachment  ...2 dolphin_myl 2012-9-3 261347 dolphin_myl 2012-9-19 21:41
【漠漠】回归---2011第八季DIM35233 attachment agree  ...2345 漠-漠 2011-10-17 683136 漠-漠 2012-9-19 19:53
attachment agree  ...2 河马七公主 2012-9-15 29853 河马七公主 2012-9-19 16:47
【已完工】六尺牡丹:业余54天(挑战极限,摧残自我) attachment digest agree  ...23456..25 ly_sdlk 2007-10-24 37422422 南山蒹葭 2012-9-19 15:28
〓一生一世〓2012第三十四贴→VV 76.018←(完工) attachment agree 1314gbh 2012-9-18 14608 marias 2012-9-19 14:00
【小ss】就算生命如尘埃--手染MD48 Rose Arbour 9.15完工 attachment agree  ...234 shanshan921 2012-4-27 572709 shanshan921 2012-9-19 11:06
[小A]DIM绝版圣诞花环 - 终于完工了!装裱归来! attachment digest agree  ...23456..14 angelinelx 2011-1-17 2078249 angelinelx 2012-9-19 10:30
。oEsse——MD40 Ashley's Roses(2012.09.16完工) attachment agree  ...23456 Esse 2012-4-22 773052 春芽 2012-9-19 09:49
ANC《环游地球》2012.4.5开工,9.16完工~ attachment digest agree  ...23456..9 gyll2009 2012-4-6 1263450 winnie28 2012-9-19 09:11
『A's』八月 流火 【完工】 attachment  ...2 andhere 2012-8-9 22809 andhere 2012-9-18 20:45
【yunguofan】LA35095 Pink White Lily attachment agree  ...2 yunguofan 2011-11-26 241092 winnie28 2012-9-18 17:30
【漠漠】---2011第四季【DIM 35136 Fishing Buddies 】2.21更 attachment digest agree  ...23456..9 漠-漠 2011-1-18 1244929 蓝色茹果 2012-9-18 14:03
soda3132小小动物园~参加YQ~1-4完工 attachment agree 一蜘小蛛 2012-1-1 14609 沁伶水月 2012-9-18 13:44
秋荷芙蓉完工!!!嘢~~~~~~ attachment agree  ...2345 xin 2009-8-18 681530 fforpipi 2012-9-18 10:23
【向日葵】夏日盛开的花~~(8月20日完工2楼照片已上~) attachment agree  ...23456..10 purple向日葵 2012-6-30 1423419 purple向日葵 2012-9-18 08:22
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