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十字绣日记【已完工】 今日: 0|主题: 14141|排名: 20 

作者 回复/查看 最后发表
中秋之前一定要扫到这个千年老P挂墙上 attachment agree  ...234 33.44.55 2012-9-14 511392 瓜瓜钱多多 2013-1-29 22:07
[Lee]罂粟花田...1月29日完工 attachment agree  ...234 little_lee2005 2012-6-1 461312 little_lee2005 2013-1-29 20:08
【咪酱】1314のdim6678 Quilted kitties(1月29日成品) attachment agree  ...2 咪酱 2013-1-4 15728 咪酱 2013-1-29 19:54
【贝妈の绣】二零一三年的No.2——1月29日最终完工! attachment agree 窗外风景 2013-1-22 11435 窗外风景 2013-1-29 19:37
≡舞鞋无语 の 2013° ㊣ SODA -473 每逢暮雨便思卿 attachment agree  ...2 舞鞋无语 2013-1-28 16607 bumpkin_pet 2013-1-29 19:34
荷包蛋's dim 3874 可爱的维多利亚小屋4.12完工咯 attachment digest agree  ...234 小荷包蛋 2012-2-16 452666 dy408599847 2013-1-29 18:41
【小手娃娃】甜蜜糖果枕再次来袭 11.17完工哒 attachment agree  ...234 happylemon0414 2012-8-7 571640 樱桃芋圆 2013-1-29 16:32
【瑛子】姐妹3人行之四季花环~5.30完工 attachment agree  ...23 indylee 2013-1-1 371130 indylee 2013-1-29 09:40
【泪妞】DIM 35115 七只熊 1/28 完工 attachment digest agree  ...23456..13 垂泪红颜 2012-10-30 19314686 垂泪红颜 2013-1-29 08:56
《刷牙》《数绵羊》《so-3104》 attachment  ...2 妞来妞往 2012-12-20 24801 妞来妞往 2013-1-28 17:12
2013扫P第一帖---BT女孩一枚 attachment jinyan1975 2013-1-5 14514 jinyan1975 2013-1-28 16:26
【YY】dim绝版自配:the finery of nature~新加了水溶笔细节 attachment agree  ...234 悠悠念我 2011-6-8 513033 一群小蚂蚁 2013-1-28 16:18
【动手小学】5年级,元旦开新------七彩音符 1.27 完工啦~ attachment agree andy86 2013-1-1 12424 andy86 2013-1-28 13:40
【水驿春回】DIM65092 绣球花,和86的对对碰!1.27 完工 - [阅读权限 50]attachment agree  ...23456..11 水驿春回 2013-1-5 1522346 水驿春回 2013-1-28 09:51
STC-世界名胜全部完工,欢迎大家围观哦 attachment  ...234 angelaqiu 2011-10-12 551911 angelaqiu 2013-1-27 22:26
【LinLin】DIM 70-65124 爱心诊所第三期YQ记录1.24完工 attachment agree  ...23456 linkangqian 2013-1-17 801552 linkangqian 2013-1-27 18:53
DIM绝版35067——山寨滴(多图)心形缝好了,一楼更 attachment agree  ...23456..12 绣花的银子 2011-10-24 1755504 dy408599847 2013-1-27 12:32
【非凡】DIM南方社会(真线对比)1.26已完工 attachment digest agree  ...23456..9 非。凡 2012-12-29 1293226 dy408599847 2013-1-27 12:27
【张小白】扫P,梦中的他 attachment  ...2 Aun_张小白 2013-1-22 18788 Aun_张小白 2013-1-27 03:56
【豆花】DIM65093海边咖啡馆~~完工啦!!! attachment agree  ...23 豆花una 2012-4-21 411386 肥腩 2013-1-27 00:53
七只小熊!(2013.1.26暴走完工!) attachment agree  ...234 琳沫沫 2012-9-29 592175 琳沫沫 2013-1-27 00:15
NC131——豌豆花仙子(自配) attachment  ...2 黏黏念念 2013-1-23 28991 栗子姐姐 2013-1-26 22:47
泪妞的NC131日记(6/15-7/8)8/27 上新房的墙了 attachment agree  ...23456..12 垂泪红颜 2010-6-21 1685607 栗子姐姐 2013-1-26 22:45
♥可可♥ 我曾用爱雕刻时光、♥ DIM 08844 Joy Ornamet ♥ attachment  ...2 kekenokia 2013-1-10 19780 dy408599847 2013-1-26 19:56
【泪妞】孕期最后一月3DIM 70-08833 6915 6996 6/12 完工 attachment digest agree  ...23456..9 垂泪红颜 2012-6-1 1254070 垂泪红颜 2013-1-26 13:54
【Internationals】Paris attachment agree  ...23 lika1024 2012-10-28 33907 lika1024 2013-1-26 13:10
【鱼.绣】DIM 65037flowers and hummingbird1.11 attachment agree  ...234 wxj_fish 2013-1-5 561426 beibei1314 2013-1-26 12:33
【遇见暖风的夜】DIM35207偷情 attachment agree  ...234 jmjmjmry 2012-12-26 531393 瓜瓜钱多多 2013-1-26 09:21
【馒头の绣绣】DIM 70-08833 06-08完工 attachment agree  ...2345 品茗闲趣 2012-5-19 722152 linkangqian 2013-1-26 05:38
【CherryS】扫P大战---NO.1《家和万事兴》 attachment agree  ...2 cherrysmile 2012-11-28 291168 cherrysmile 2013-1-25 21:46
尘缘(以完成) attachment agree huangning1234 2008-1-18 6740 miaolegemiao 2013-1-25 16:24
【胭脂】深海中,那一抹嫣然 MD102手染人鱼30小时完工! attachment agree  ...23456..9 粉粉胭脂 2013-1-13 1333212 ☆茉莉花☆ 2013-1-25 15:10
【小手娃娃】bu 40902 十字绣店……6.27完工 attachment digest agree  ...23456..11 happylemon0414 2011-3-8 1526411 瓜瓜钱多多 2013-1-25 09:44
ღღ小茜ღღ DIM 35290 Nature Study 2013.03.17完工 attachment agree  ...234 shirley2902 2012-11-13 482218 kekenokia 2013-1-24 23:54
LA34891萌兔子成品问世 attachment agree 美女姗姗 2012-12-26 14800 美女姗姗 2013-1-24 19:58
【白鳗】伪熊控--二十四小熊之埃及 attachment agree  ...2 白鳗 2013-1-22 27756 bumpkin_pet 2013-1-24 19:09
【臻臻】 杂志﹌花嫁天使﹌ 爱心诊所三期YQ 1.24完工 attachment agree 臻臻92 2013-1-20 11568 orangerain 2013-1-24 16:52
【2013.5.17完工】stc-----临渊羡鱼~ attachment hestia0302 2013-1-4 14698 hestia0302 2013-1-24 16:05
【绣球】DIM 70-65103 鸟语花香~1.21完工 attachment agree  ...2345 sindy_yangyp 2011-12-31 601868 暗夜の舞月 2013-1-24 14:13
61の❀阴影花|龙沙宝石 attachment digest agree  ...2 neverland1226 2013-1-17 281262 sindy_yangyp 2013-1-24 13:01
灵狐2010年第十二个日记-DIY青花韵抱枕系列之五8.10完工 attachment agree  ...234 千年灵狐 2010-8-2 581934 miaolegemiao 2013-1-24 11:13
【夙玉】12月邮票~从重绘开始自配~6月30日更新最后成品图 attachment agree  ...23 夙玉 2011-3-23 352085 阿鸭鸭 2013-1-24 09:01
2010年第一个日记贴~JAN的葡萄(8月20日更新完工照在三楼) attachment digest agree  ...23456 yuppielook 2010-2-1 813749 yuppielook 2013-1-24 08:22
一起走向回家的路~35144日记掠影(装裱图最新奉献) attachment agree  ...2 素手馨香 2012-2-12 241269 其乐也无穷 2013-1-23 23:31
[桃花]dim70-65116poppy pair终于完工了 attachment  ...23456 idlove_dw2005 2012-6-7 782444 idlove_dw2005 2013-1-23 21:57
送给2013年的绣绣:中国娃娃 attachment  ...2 妞来妞往 2013-1-4 17581 妞来妞往 2013-1-23 21:17
绣个糖心家壁挂 attachment janer0 2011-9-5 9649 瓜瓜钱多多 2013-1-23 16:25
【洒水猫】n个第一次组成的娃娃花环(成品了) attachment agree  ...2 maomao135 2013-1-9 29748 豆宝妈 2013-1-23 16:25
【完全自配】胖女孩之遐想 attachment agree  ...2 janer0 2011-3-25 181043 瓜瓜钱多多 2013-1-23 16:24
再接再励---漂亮抱枕第3篇(玫瑰红裙女孩) attachment ll-jj 2010-10-21 10695 瓜瓜钱多多 2013-1-23 16:14
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