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动手频道»动手 十字绣作品 十字绣日记 十字绣日记【已完工】

十字绣日记【已完工】 今日: 0|主题: 14141|排名: 22 

作者 回复/查看 最后发表
【ann】清凉夏★◎绿色大普+蓝色小普◎★双双完工啦 attachment digest agree  ...23456..17 lulinann 2013-7-23 2476596 darkangel5240 2013-10-8 18:35
《小小》SODA SO-4124 I will protect you! attachment littlestitch 2013-10-3 6764 bumpkin_pet 2013-10-8 14:52
kani的Dreaming of Tuscany(托斯卡納的夢想) attachment  ...2 kani908 2013-8-5 27993 kani908 2013-10-8 09:40
四季娃娃——夏娃娃 attachment  ...2 吸烟为戒毒 2013-9-20 16641 小喜宝 2013-10-7 21:12
★月月鸟日记★DMC补丁兔之献花(完工) attachment agree  ...23 月月鸟 2010-2-23 423290 五分钟热度 2013-10-7 17:50
【月月鸟】MD51(完工!) attachment digest agree  ...23456..14 月月鸟 2010-1-27 19810567 五分钟热度 2013-10-7 17:41
【玥玥】最爱的soda の395 Love Kitchen attachment  ...2 January87 2013-5-3 281049 A-may 2013-10-7 11:39
【水娃】DIM 35032 喂猫的小女孩***完工鸟*** attachment agree  ...2345 水娃 2013-8-15 711849 柠檬海星 2013-10-7 08:28
๑❀ﺴ FO时光 ﺴ❀๑——❤——LL49 Emma's Garden attachment agree  ...234 floralight 2013-8-31 592714 floralight 2013-10-6 23:57
【能】【DIM】【72551】【WIRE WELCOME】【原版】 attachment  ...2 v66123 2012-8-17 19846 张小凉 2013-10-6 01:27
【幽谷百合】DIM35200-父与子 attachment agree  ...23456 fengxintianshi 2013-5-24 752228 fengxintianshi 2013-10-5 14:53
【嘟】JDD Awesome apple seed needlebook仿制品(绣图已分享) attachment agree  ...234 嘟嘟钰 2009-4-27 501961 jasas 2013-10-5 00:20
Chatelaine design-阿尔卑斯 已完工 attachment digest agree  ...23456..17 xsw_15689 2012-7-12 24011846 oppo10000 2013-10-4 14:35
遇见SHERLOCK attachment agree  ...23 leey 2013-8-20 331127 leey 2013-10-4 10:47
DIM 13720 玫瑰玫瑰我爱你 attachment agree  ...2345 红桃J 2013-5-20 702272 红桃J 2013-10-4 10:44
【菟伢の】— 第二枚小普 - 6642 - (鸟控-对对碰) attachment agree  ...2 菟伢、媚 2013-10-3 19973 菟伢、媚 2013-10-4 08:58
【菟伢の】— 首枚小普 - 65015 - 【在水国庆七天乐】 attachment agree  ...234 菟伢、媚 2013-9-30 511250 菟伢、媚 2013-10-4 08:54
【冰蓝】DIM原套对色——圣诞花环 10/2完工啦~~~~~~~~ attachment agree  ...2345 冰蓝沙漏 2013-5-4 672678 annaballer 2013-10-4 07:41
◤◤第❶届奥斯卡◥◥SO—383 attachment agree  ...2 吸烟为戒毒 2013-7-11 17975 吸烟为戒毒 2013-10-3 20:57
SO——3147 attachment 吸烟为戒毒 2013-9-20 12694 吸烟为戒毒 2013-10-3 20:56
【小J】DIM6847原套,迎风破浪的小帆船,完!工!啦! attachment  ...234 jaylen 2013-8-25 512314 jaylen 2013-10-3 17:18
SO-3154 attachment agree  ...234 吸烟为戒毒 2013-4-8 451568 lyndako83 2013-10-3 13:47
【Effy】DIM 3874 Lovely Victorian Home attachment agree  ...23 普吉黑 2013-8-5 351531 lyndako83 2013-10-3 13:43
❤蝶de绣❤2013成品: le Bonheur des Dames 2651 Welcome February@情人节 attachment digest agree  ...2345 Vanessa蝴蝶 2013-2-15 743260 lyndako83 2013-10-3 13:42
DIM70-08833雪人之吻 attachment agree  ...2 柠檬海星 2013-8-13 22961 lyndako83 2013-10-3 13:41
【童J】绝版大金DIM35167----荷塘蜻蜓原套完工 attachment digest agree  ...23456..7 童童1994 2013-6-3 905277 lyndako83 2013-10-3 13:41
【小鱼儿】LA35005印第安女孩 attachment agree  ...2 yuhongyan2011 2013-6-6 231085 lyndako83 2013-10-3 13:40
【win's】日记贴 DIM3896---Cozy Cove attachment  ...234 winwin13 2011-7-3 452539 lyndako83 2013-10-3 13:39
【88大普】【泪妞】DIM13630 12月历 9/9完工大吉 attachment agree  ...23456..12 垂泪红颜 2013-8-8 1693816 lyndako83 2013-10-3 13:38
DIM35115 Teddy bear gethering (七只熊) 9月2日完工 attachment agree  ...23 mousecake 2012-12-8 361630 lyndako83 2013-10-3 12:40
【飘飘】DIM6847——送给lg的礼物 attachment agree  ...2 ziyunpiaopiao 2013-9-7 251513 lyndako83 2013-10-3 12:23
【88大普】【曲奇】DIM3735热气球 9月18日完工 attachment digest agree  ...23 曲忧乐 2013-8-8 411732 lyndako83 2013-10-3 12:21
RIOLIS印花套件-莫斯科 attachment agree  ...23 ll-jj 2013-9-7 341845 lyndako83 2013-10-3 12:19
【魔法学院】DIM 13720 大普 两朵玫瑰 完工 attachment  ...23 护士小葵 2013-9-9 321202 lyndako83 2013-10-3 12:17
【幸福】ANC 环游地球--给儿子的礼物 attachment agree  ...23456 531282566 2013-6-18 823579 lyndako83 2013-10-3 12:17
〓漠漠〓⑧★DIM 70-35295 Mary's Bouquet★ attachment agree  ...23456..14 漠-漠 2013-8-11 2074368 lyndako83 2013-10-3 12:17
【孙牛牛】DIMdim35239 盛开的郁金香 attachment agree  ...2345 孙牛牛 2013-7-15 682149 lyndako83 2013-10-3 12:15
【胭脂】冷门黑布大普DIM 35284 Sweet Pea Perfection 豌豆花瓶 attachment agree  ...23456..13 粉粉胭脂 2013-7-22 1804590 lyndako83 2013-10-3 12:15
DIM3765 attachment agree  ...2345 护士小葵 2013-7-12 642211 lyndako83 2013-10-3 12:13
【婆娑罗】佳人之优雅如诗(VV PN-0145271) attachment agree  ...23 婆娑罗 2013-7-1 391588 lyndako83 2013-10-3 12:13
(sophie8866)扫P 长版本蝶恋花 attachment agree sophie8866 2013-9-15 13606 sophie8866 2013-10-3 11:33
【AMY7201】之DIM四季花环 attachment digest agree  ...23456..23 amy7201 2009-5-11 33110239 slowchin 2013-10-2 12:24
山寨小金 DIM65048 牡丹瓶花 attachment agree  ...234 护士小葵 2013-9-6 541793 护士小葵 2013-10-1 17:27
【jie】DIM13686完工了!!!!!!!!!!!! attachment ltzhoujie 2013-5-5 141110 静静326 2013-9-30 16:18
14ct的花开富贵完工 attachment agree  ...2 wzbj024 2013-6-7 27859 wzbj024 2013-9-30 14:30
【喵喵】高CT麻布單枝花 - 百子蓮(申精啦~~) attachment agree  ...2345 rubycat 2012-3-3 702358 rubycat 2013-9-30 13:08
【zou‘2013】Dome 80902 A way to the lighthouse 灯塔 attachment agree  ...23456..7 nicholezou 2013-6-27 952562 nicholezou 2013-9-30 09:24
【雪儿】DIM08826 Christmas Morning Pets,猫狗和谐相处 attachment agree  ...23 雪宁草 2013-8-21 381536 雪宁草 2013-9-30 08:48
“小F” LA23002 大家一起看《进击的巨人》啊。。。。 attachment agree  ...23456..7 FIon蕾蕾 2013-6-1 993512 可爱小猫猫 2013-9-29 22:35
生娃倒计时 小图陆续开之对对罐LAN陶罐罐 attachment agree  ...2 海豚宝贝 2013-9-11 20899 fanfanah 2013-9-29 16:38
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